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The Appearance Palette

Appearance palette can be displayed with the menu Window> Appearance or with the shortcut keys Shift + F6. In this palette, will be demonstrated hierarchical arrangement of the display attributes of an object included in it style and effects. If you select an object in the image area, then the palette is displayed overall appearance attributes
associated with the object image.
Stroke and Fill placed on the top, as both is the most basic element of the formation of an object image. Further information about the effect lies in the next sequence if object had been bearing these attributes. Layer, Group, text, mesh, these files that in-link, bitmap images, blends, envelope, flares, symbol, symbol sets and charts, ranks next in sequence.
In the appearance palette, there are several elements, each has a specific meaning, in which these elements through your can use the commands for editing. The elements that are:
Stroke line, click on the line stroke to activate
Stroke color in the toolbox (the same as if you are using a button shortcut "x"). Double click on the row strokes will activate the color palette.
Both of these steps help you do the editing of everything on the line (stroke). 
Fill line, click on the Fill line will activate the color
Fill in the tool bar (the same as if you use shortcut keys "X"). Double click on the Fill line will activate the color palette. second
The step allows you to do editing of all something about the color field (fill).
Opacity line, if the object is selected to have opacity setting, and then you double click on the line opacity, will
activate the Transparency palette.

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  • 1 komentar untuk "The Appearance Palette"

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