color gradient ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR
In Adobe Illustrator there are facilities that are used to make the menu color gradient
where we can determine the position of termination gradient according to what we want.
Gradient stop position is the point where the gradient changes from one color to the next and is identified by a square below the gradient slider.
Box in the Gradient panel functions for each gradient stop.
With a radial gradient, the gradient slider to the left defines the color that fills the center point,
that radiates out is the color of the right gradient slider.
To create a gradient,
Do one of the following:
To create a new gradient, remove all objects and click the gradient box at the bottom of the Tools panel.
To change the gradient of an object, select the object.
To change the gradient preset, click the gradient swatch in the panel pieces.
for STEP BY STEP GUIDE illustrator simple tutorial please visit.........
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